KOMPAS.com -long distance Relationships require mutual trust, and the attitude to free the couple lived a life of personal and not jealous man. Here's what the bloody Indonesia traveled Germany model, Jennifer Jasmin Kurniawan, who finally decided to pursue a career in Jakarta, following her lover, a Irfan Bachdim. Although now Jennifer and Irfan no longer is, it would be healthy if the couple had met every day.
While undergoing the long-distance relationship, trust becomes the key. Moreover, if each individual have a job or a career related to alot of people. Although the distance apart, the proximity of still need to be traveled. Nonetheless, the technology has it easy people to communicate.
"When I am in Germany and Irfan in Indonesia, we more often communicate via Skype or BlackBerry Messenger," says Jennifer to Compass Female, some time ago.
However after moving work to Jakarta, Jennifer pleads not kebablasan with always adjacent to Irfan. It turns out, the work remained separate the distances between them, and make both of them are always together. Understandably, Irfan who joined the Club Persema Malang, and lived in often traveled to follow football. While Jennifer prefer Jakarta dinilainya more suited to his life. So there is time to spare, then the couple spent together. Dinner, watch a movie at the cinema, to do the spa treatment.
"Even though it is no longer connected remotely and closer, it's not that must be met every day. The relationship isn't healthy if constantly meet every day. However each individual in the pair have a personal life that have suffered, "explained the woman claiming to be emotional when shopping high heels.
How about you? Is it true that met the lover every day makes you so hard to do personal activities or hobbies? Or even make so early bored on the he?
Editor: Early
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