KOMPAS.com — research in the United Kingdom found the fact that the couple feel the happiness of the greatest when they married, not to have children, can pursue education as high as possible, the man has a job, and the age of marriage in less than five years. However, this dropped sharply on the happiness of women. A survey involving 100,000 people from 40,000 households showed women more quickly feel unhappy with her marriage, compared to men.
Research spending funds 49 million euros or more than Rp 600 trillion is held by the Economic and Social Research Council with the face-to-face interview method and has started since 2009.
In response to these findings, many pairing relationship experts believe women more trying in maintaining the relationship than men. Women are more often dealing with household settings and more concerned with the special moment in the relationship as a wedding anniversary or even the anniversary of his partner.
One more research in the United Kingdom conducted by involving 14,000 households in 2009. This time, the poll was done to the couple for their wedding in the ranks. The choice of level of happiness wedding in the poll were perfectly happy, unbelievably happy, very happy, happy, and not happy.
The results of the research found, 55 percent of men are happy with her marriage and 57 per cent of women stated the same thing, in the first five years of age of marriage. In 11 years of marriage, women do not sebahagia men. When the couple enters the age of 40 years, only 26 percent of women who say they are happy, and 33 percent said things similar.
According to psychologist Dr. Pam Spurr, indifference of man included in keeping his appearance after her marriage became the source of the problem of unhappiness married couples. The man, once married, are likely to be overweight and memedulikan appearance.
"Women tend to start questioning the relationship of marriage while entering the age of 5-6 years of marriage. They began to realize they are more often treated the relationship than men, even though both women and men alike worked his way up, "said Spurr. He added, the man should have been more metrosexual in appearance and are contributing to treat the relationship of marriage with a more holistic view of women.
The comfort felt the man from the relationship of marriage was made her forget romanticism needed women. This is the cause why are women more quickly feel tired and unhappy with her marriage.
Editor: Early
Source: dailymail.co.uk
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